Rintalastan anatomia, natiiviröntgen Sivu Viisto (erikseen pyydettäessä) Laatija 9 = rintalastan kaulalovi (jugulum, sternal notch, jugular notch, incisura jugularis sterni) 10 = rintalasta-solisluunivel (sternoklavikulaarinivel, articulatio sternoclavicularis)
jugulum, collar bone, throat] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) 1. The median ventral plate of the head; see gula. 2. The jugum of the wing ….
jugulum — noun The neck or throat. The jugulum at which to aim is the use of the word criticism at all …. Wiktionary. Jugulum — Ju|gu|lum 〈n.; s, gu|la; Anat.〉 = Drosselgrube [ of the neck or throat 2. of a …
The jugulum is the lower part of the throat, just above the breast. At that time, she was apparently older than her granddaughter was during the events of Carpe Jugulum. Appears in Carpe Jugulum. " Anatomi" içinde. Vena aksillaris. jugulum. Arama:
The needle is introduced below the muscle toward the jugulum (Figure3A). the user to predict variant anatomy and to assess the patency of the target vein. mi yapan öğrencilerin özel ve genel anatomi bakımından daha ziyade onların jugulum yngıılum jejunom yeyunum u ö » gibi okwıur. Anatomie; Physiologie; Arteria (Arterie) Vena (Vene) Musculus (Muskel) Plexus (Nervengeflecht) Nerv (Nervus) Ligamentum (Band) Atriculatio (Gelenk) Ganglion (Nervenzellkörper) Bursa (Schleimbeutel) Erkrankungen. See Carpe Jugulum. Carpe Jugulum (fan site) In Carpe Jugulum, they are called "Pictsies."
there are one or two nodes in this group (Latin, jugulum = throat) facial nodes: along the course of the facial a. and v. lymphatic vessels from the face: submandibular nodes: eyelids, nose, cheek and lips: facial nodes are grouped inferior to the orbit; at the angle of the mouth and over the mandible: gastric nodes, left
(anatomy) The neck or throat. 2004, George Saintsbury, History Of English Criticism, p. (anatomia) zona delimitata tra la base anteriore ed inferiore del collo, a forma di fossetta. (anat.)…
jugulum — n.Lerne jetzt effizienter für an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern Millionen Karteikarten & Zusammenfassungen ⭐ Gratis in der StudySmarter App
31 мар 2015 Работа по теме: ANATOMIA GENERALIS. ВУЗ: МГМСУ. ANATOMIA GENERALIS .docx Jugulum sphenoidale. Клиновидное
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jugular — JUGULÁR, Ă, jugulari, e, adj. Care aparţine gâtului, privitor la gât, din regiunea gâtului. ♢ Venă jugulară = venă a gâtului care colectează sângele din regiunea capului şi a gâtului. – Din fr. jugulaire. Trimis de cata, 27.09.2006. Sursa: DEX 98 … Dicționar Român. Jugular — Ju gu*lar, a. [L. jugulum the collar bone, which joins together the shoulders and